Monday, December 20, 2010
Our HonEymooN..
AdaKah akan Menjadi realiti?hurmm i'm counting may day right now..tak sabar nak tgu hari sabtuuuu..huhhuhuh..sabtu (18.12.2010)kami cadang nak ke LCCT for ticket booking..last2 member hubby ckp kenaper nak waste time just go to travel agen kat senanwang..pergi dier just booking tiket takder hotel..we decided nak crik travel agen lain then tiba2 kereta menghala ke highway..aku tnya hubby then hubby said just go to LCCT bleh survey tempat..kang kok sosek..heheheh al maklum first time go to LCCT...kat sana pun sama just tiket..nak sekali ngan hotel kena tempah online..aper punyer bodoh..kan senang berurusan ngan org yg bwk cash money dr just pakai kredit kad..tak faham..then hubby said gamble take tiket n hotel pandai2 ler nti nak hidup..klu tak duk kat masjid..hahaahah jgn buat hal..balik jek aku trus survey hotel online...then jumper kat laman web Agoda Company by Singapura..bincang ngan hubby decide ambik Krabi Heritage Hotel we booking online via Visa hubby..alhamdulillah settle dah pasal kapal terbang n hotel..just tgu the real day..activity crik jek sendiri kat sana nti..yang penting have to enjoy our first time honeymoon...
Thursday, December 9, 2010
urmmm ntah jadik ntah tak aku pergi ke tak jadik jek coz byk plak halnyer lately nie..ntah ler labu..kalau ader rezeki ke sana..kalau tak duk jer lah terperap kat sini..takpe klu mood aku baik lagi mgkin akan difikirkan tuk pie sana klu tak...maleh ler den nak kesana do....aku pergi krabi tgk gmbr jelah kut..sudah ler dari takder aper2 kan..hahahahaah..ok lah not in mood ler..little bit dispointed...Hurmmmm :(
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
SengGuguT Ker???
SeMalaM first Day PeriOd...aku Okey Jek taklah sakit sangat coz seumur hidup aku dah 28 tahun nie..aku mmg manusia yang tak pernah senggugut..mmg klu org citer pasal senggugut aku no ideas what is that..paling kuat nak period just sakit pinggang and breast sakit skit ten ok...klu adik aku period lagi teruk berguling2 satu katil..sakit sangat ckp tak senggugut senang ngandung..alah tipu aku nie susah jek nak ngandung..hurmmm :( dispointed...berbalik pada senggugut..ari nie aku tak tau nak kategorikan aper dengan sakit yang aku rasa the whole day dari pagi sampai ke petang...ari2 baagian peranakan aku makk aii sakit yang amat..rasa nak pengsan pun ader coz tahan sakit...aduss tuhan jek yang tahu camner sakitnyerr..aku ignorekan n trus tido..yelah aku mana pernah sakit camtue sangat time period...dara jgn cakap mcm air terjun...sekejap jek dah lencun pad aku...hishhh itukan senggugut????walaupun sakit aku gagahkan jugak wat kerja2 aku..skang dah okey skit...mana tau kan senggugut nie nak betulkan skit sistem peranakan aku...mana tau bulan depan aku dah bleh ngandung...huuhuuh hopefully :)...always pray to Allah to ave our own baby...Amin....
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
TrUe StOrY UnTuk CheKgu2 ReNunGkan....
Salam to all,
Very very True & Touching……….
Kindness to Other will carry a long long way ……..”Even When We Die We Need Friends To Carry Us”……..Do We Have Friends??
The funny thing is we know what started must end ,but we refuse to Listen & Learnt.
ONE OF THE BEST STORIES I'VE EVER HEARD! As she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school, she told the children an untruth. Like most teachers, she looked at her students and said that she loved them all the same. However, that was impossible, because there in the front row, slumped in his seat, was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard Mrs. Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and noticed that he did not play well with the other children, that his clothes were messy and that he constantly needed a bath. In addition, Teddy could be unpleasant. It got to the point where Mrs. Thompson would actually take delight in marking his papers with a broad red pen, making bold X's and then putting a big 'F' at the top of his papers. At the school where Mrs. Thompson taught, she was required to review each child's past records and she put Teddy's off until last. However, when she reviewed his file, she was in for a surprise. Teddy's first grade teacher wrote, 'Teddy is a bright child with a ready laugh. He does his work neatly and has good manners... he is a joy to be around..' His second grade teacher wrote, 'Teddy is an excellent student, well liked by his classmates, but he is troubled because his mother has a terminal illness and life at home must be a struggle.' His third grade teacher wrote, 'His mother's death has been hard on him. He tries to do his best, but his father doesn't show much interest, and his home life will soon affect him if some steps aren't taken.' Teddy's fourth grade teacher wrote, 'Teddy is withdrawn and doesn't show much interest in school. He doesn't have many friends and he sometimes sleeps in class.' By now, Mrs. Thompson realized the problem and she was ashamed of herself. She felt even worse when her students brought her Christmas presents, wrapped in beautiful ribbons and bright paper, except for Teddy's. His present was clumsily wrapped in the heavy, brown paper that he got from a grocery bag. Mrs. Thompson took pains to open it in the middle of the other presents. Some of the children started to laugh when she found a rhinestone bracelet with some of the stones missing, and a bottle that was one-quarter full of perfume. But she stifled the children's laughter when she exclaimed how pretty the bracelet was, putting it on, and dabbing some of the perfume on her wrist. Teddy Stoddard stayed after school that day just long enough to say, 'Mrs. Thompson, today you smelled just like my Mom used to.' After the children left, she cried for at least an hour. On that very day, she quit teaching reading, writing and arithmetic. Instead, she began to teach children. Mrs. Thompson paid particular attention to Teddy. As she worked with him, his mind seemed to come alive. The more she encouraged him, the faster he responded. By the end of the year, Teddy had become one of the smartest children in the class and, despite her lie that she would love all the children the same, Teddy became one of her 'teacher's pets..' A year later, she found a note under her door, from Teddy, telling her that she was the best teacher he ever had in his whole life. Six years went by before she got another note from Teddy. He then wrote that he had finished high school, third in his class, and she was still the best teacher he ever had in life. Four years after that, she got another letter, saying that while things had been tough at times, he'd stayed in school, had stuck with it, and would soon graduate from college with the highest of honours. He assured Mrs. Thompson that she was still the best and favourite teacher he had ever had in his whole life. Then four more years passed and yet another letter came.. This time he explained that after he got his bachelor's degree, he decided to go a little further. The letter explained that she was still the best and favourite teacher he ever had. But now his name was a little longer.... The letter was signed, Theodore F. Stoddard, MD. The story does not end there. You see, there was yet another letter that spring. Teddy said he had met this girl and was going to be married. He explained that his father had died a couple of years ago and he was wondering if Mrs. Thompson might agree to sit at the wedding in the place that was usually reserved for the mother of the groom. Of course, Mrs. Thompson did. And guess what? She wore that bracelet, the one with several rhinestones missing. Moreover, she made sure she was wearing the perfume that Teddy remembered his mother wearing on their last Christmas together. They hugged each other, and Dr. Stoddard whispered in Mrs. Thompson's ear, 'Thank you Mrs. Thompson for believing in me. Thank you so much for making me feel important and showing me that I could make a difference.' Mrs. Thompson, with tears in her eyes, whispered back. She said, 'Teddy, you have it all wrong. You were the one who taught me that I could make a difference. I didn't know how to teach until I met you.' (For you that don't know, Teddy Stoddard is the Doctor at Iowa Methodist in Des Moines that has the Stoddard Cancer Wing.) Warm someone's heart today. . . . . pass this along. I love this story so very much, I cry every time I read it. Just try to make a difference in someone's life today? tomorrow? just 'do it'. Random acts of kindness, I think they call it! 'Believe in Angels, then return the favour' |
"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."
Hari Nie pergi ziarah Org meninggl..mak mentua along aku meninggal...timbul keinsafan apabila melihat sekujur tubuh dimandikan,dikafankan,disembahyangkan dan dikebumikan..ya mati itu adalah benar dan semua manusia pasti merasainya...hanya cepat dan lambat sahaja penentunya...masa ku...ahhh aku pun tidak tahu..yang pasti aku sentiasa berdoa semoga Allah panjangkan umurku untuk aku beramal ibadat kepadanya.Terasa terlalu byk dosaku selama ini..Ya Allah ko berikanlah petunjukmu dan pimpinlah aku kejalan yang diredhai olehmu...Kepada Makcik Jenab..Moga Allah mencucuri rahmat keatas rohnya..Alfatihah...
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Ulu BenDul
Hari Nie Melayan KareNah KakDik n Kak Yong..pagi2 bangun masak tuk pi ulu bendul..sian plak tak pergi coz dah janji...hubby janji bwk dengan syarat tak hujan..klu hujan duk diam2 kat umah..alhamdulillah tak hujan..puas Gak dia Org mandi dr kul 11.00am smPi kul 2.00pm takk Kuar2 dari air..tak kebulur agaknye..raMai gak org Hari Nie...1 Malaysia sumer ada..huhuhhu....Yg Bestnyer kak yong Bleh Lupa Nak bwk bajU..nasib Baik ibu tak Mndi jadik balik pakailah Bjau ibu..heheheh..sampai umah dua2 kebulur...Ptg plak hujan punyerler lebat..syok klu dpt tidur tapi mata tak mau lelap plak...huhuhuu....Malam Kuar ngan hubby pi Tapau makanan..Burpp sumer dah kenyang now mOvie time..oklah caucincau..
Saturday, December 4, 2010
sebenarnya dah lama nak bercuti..first time merancang 4 our honeymoon nak ke bukit tinggi,Pahang tak tercapai coz bang chik meninggal..then tangguh punya tangguh dah 3 tahun lebih kami kawen tak pernah honeymoon...then this year bila aku ckp nak pi bercuti ke sabah or sarawak hubby taknak..dier ckp nak ke overseas ke OOty,India...aku plak nak ke Bali,Indonesia..hish which one nie??pikir punya pikir n ambik nasihat dr rakan2 n survey skit we decided to go to most beautiful Island in Thailand, dlm perancangan insyallah takder aral melintang kami akan menjejaki kaki ke Krabi..doa2 kanlah menjadi kenyataan yer,,huhuhhu tak sabar,,,,,
PassPort Semudah MakaN ABC....
2 desember 2010 utk pertama kalinya dalam hidup aku selama hidup 28 tahun aku pi jbtn imigresen tuk wat passport...huhuhuhu passport..mcm tak caya jek..luckily follow hubby naik seremban then sampai kat wisma persetuan dlm kul 7.20am..tnya guard dia ckp dah buka trus pergi tingkat 2..lucky me org ketiga..trus isi form n ambik no.giliran..just pada sesiapa nak cepat kenalah tercangak awl2 kat imigresen then make sure everything complete:
1.Borang ambik kat sana jek n isi secepat yg bolehlah yer to avoid kena q-up for no giliran
2.2 keping gmbr ukuran passport 3.5x5
3.Sekeping salinan kad pengenalan...
4.Passport lama klu nak wat baru or renew...
Ada sumer tue keje dah semudah minum ABC heheheeh..opss not to forget bring cash for payment...
Tgu no giliran dipanggil..aku duk dlm 5 minit dah kena panggil then dia org ambik thumb print..pastue duk balik tuk pgilan kedua..then kena panggil byrlah RM100 42 m/surat (2 tahun) n RM300 tuk 5 tahun..
depa bagi resit n suh dtg balik dlm sejam utk collect passport..
Manalah aku nak pergi kan?aku turun beli roti n surat khabar duk melangguk kat sebelah kaunter pertanyaan tgu sampai kul 9.00pg..then aku naik..haa ambik ko penuh dlm jbtn imigresen..adalah dalam 60 org...Fuhhh nasib baik aku dtg awal tadi..klu tak ntah pukul brapa baru bleh siap...then walla passport pertamaku siap..hehehehehsumer org yg overtake line aku sumer aku overtake balik..ingat aku tunggul..penat aku berdiri senang2 nk overtake aku...heheheh pastue ngan bangganya aku kuar dan trus ngayau sorang2 kat bndr seremban...huuhuh..skang aku dah ada passport then my hubby congrate me coz dah ader passport n brani sorang2 pi buat tanpa tguu dia..alah benda mudah jek...hahahah
1.Borang ambik kat sana jek n isi secepat yg bolehlah yer to avoid kena q-up for no giliran
2.2 keping gmbr ukuran passport 3.5x5
3.Sekeping salinan kad pengenalan...
4.Passport lama klu nak wat baru or renew...
Ada sumer tue keje dah semudah minum ABC heheheeh..opss not to forget bring cash for payment...
Tgu no giliran dipanggil..aku duk dlm 5 minit dah kena panggil then dia org ambik thumb print..pastue duk balik tuk pgilan kedua..then kena panggil byrlah RM100 42 m/surat (2 tahun) n RM300 tuk 5 tahun..
depa bagi resit n suh dtg balik dlm sejam utk collect passport..
Manalah aku nak pergi kan?aku turun beli roti n surat khabar duk melangguk kat sebelah kaunter pertanyaan tgu sampai kul 9.00pg..then aku naik..haa ambik ko penuh dlm jbtn imigresen..adalah dalam 60 org...Fuhhh nasib baik aku dtg awal tadi..klu tak ntah pukul brapa baru bleh siap...then walla passport pertamaku siap..hehehehehsumer org yg overtake line aku sumer aku overtake balik..ingat aku tunggul..penat aku berdiri senang2 nk overtake aku...heheheh pastue ngan bangganya aku kuar dan trus ngayau sorang2 kat bndr seremban...huuhuh..skang aku dah ada passport then my hubby congrate me coz dah ader passport n brani sorang2 pi buat tanpa tguu dia..alah benda mudah jek...hahahah
cUtI sEkOLAh
sKANG Dah 2 mgu cuti sekolah..actually mcm tak cuti pun first week go to school my duty weeks...keje melambak..sumer file nak buat aduss..sabar jelah kan...hrmmm tapi syok gak coz anak2 buah ader kat kampung..kak yong,kak dik n ajin bising rumah...ajin baru ikut atuk balik seremban..tgl ler si gurl dua org nie memekak n tergelak2..time blaja kena blaja gak...hari nie ajar dia org tgk kamus n kenal perkataan Bm dalam BI..esok wat lagik..huhuhuhu..cuti nie mcm kejap jer kan..skjp jer dah 2 mgu then naik sekolah balik..huhuuh harap ada sinar bahagia tuk aku tuk tahun depan..AMin..
Sunday, November 21, 2010
KuRaNg AjAr..
Skang aku tak heran n tak kiralah org nak cakap aku nie keras hati ker..besarkan benda kecik ker,tak boleh memaafkan ker aper..pedulik hapa aku....mmg dasar BODOH...ko tulis mcm tue ko ckp tak aibkan..sudahlah takyah nak nasihat atu coolkan aku....jgn wat cam baguslah wei..umgkit2 pasal arwh abg aku aper hal..klu org luar tue aku tak heran sangat..yelah namanya org luar..nie saudara sendiri buat kecoh camnie..boleh blah ler wei,nak buat kenangan?aku klu bleh mmg takder apa2 tali persaudaraan ngan ko..aku nak tgk klu ader yg komen bukan2 ttg family ko yg fah jadik arwah camner?itu pun kenangan ker yg menjadikan ko manusia?ko MANUSIA BODOHHHHH...boleh blah...sakit tul hati aku...
Kami SemuA decide pergi bercuti ke Melaka sbb sian kat alang yg nak naik kapal...jadik fuhh best giler pergi mandi-manda ke Wonderland Melaka....pehnie cdg nak ke Genting Highlands Plak Ngan Hubby....
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Ini KIsAHKu...Aku dilahirkan pada:
1 Oktober 1982
Di Hospital Besar Kuala Pilah
Pada Pukul 2.20 petang bersamaan hari Jumaat
Dengan Berat 1.20 Kilogram
Aku diberi nama Yusmeeza Binti Zainol
Mak ku Maimon binti Osman
Aku merupakan anak ke 6 dari tujuh beradik...yg sulung kakak,4 orang abang dan seorang adik perempuan....(kiranya aku anak perempuan yg dinantikan setelah berderet 4 org hero,hehehe)
mula sekolah tadika di melang selama setahun then sambung ke Sek.Ren.Keb Tunku Kurshiah..UPSR tak terer pun just dapat 2A2B huhuhuhu
THen aku sambung pergi menengah n blaja kat Sek.Men.Keb.Tunku Kurshiah..PMR aku dapat 6B2C (teruk patut dpt 6A2B hish hish hish) kunun nak smbg ke sekolah teknik..alahai nasib tak diterima jadik duk ler kat TKS smpai hbs form 5 ..SPM aku plak bangga lah jugak dpt Gred 1 aggregat 20 (okeylah tue kan..hahahah)
Duk tanam anggur lama gak then dpt further DIploma in Business Studies kat Kolej Profesional Mara Melaka selama 2 tahun setengah...result..ok gak boleh tahan...
Habis jer Diploma tanam anggur lagik then dapat tawaran further study ke Universiti Tenaga Nasional Kampus Muadzam Shah dalam Ijazah Srjana Muda Pemasaran selama 2 tahun...
Habis Universiti pi praktikal ke TNB seremban kat situ tak sangka jumper jodoh aku Mohamad Hakim heheehh gatai sangat....kenal 2mgu dah couple..4 bulan kenal dtg merisik then tunang 6 bulan trus kawen 30.6.2007 (dah jadik bini org...kuikuikui)
then dpt jadi guru sandaran kat SKRP then di offer masuk maktab perempuan melayu melaka selama 18 bulam secara aku dah jadik guru terlatih..baru jew interview SPP 24.9.2010 haritue n harap lulus ler.....
Skang nie kami tgu rezeki anak yg blum diberikan lagi..sentiasa berdoa dan berusaha..harap Allah makbulkan lah..Amin..inilah ceritaku...huhuhuhu
1 Oktober 1982
Di Hospital Besar Kuala Pilah
Pada Pukul 2.20 petang bersamaan hari Jumaat
Dengan Berat 1.20 Kilogram
Aku diberi nama Yusmeeza Binti Zainol
Mak ku Maimon binti Osman
Aku merupakan anak ke 6 dari tujuh beradik...yg sulung kakak,4 orang abang dan seorang adik perempuan....(kiranya aku anak perempuan yg dinantikan setelah berderet 4 org hero,hehehe)
mula sekolah tadika di melang selama setahun then sambung ke Sek.Ren.Keb Tunku Kurshiah..UPSR tak terer pun just dapat 2A2B huhuhuhu
THen aku sambung pergi menengah n blaja kat Sek.Men.Keb.Tunku Kurshiah..PMR aku dapat 6B2C (teruk patut dpt 6A2B hish hish hish) kunun nak smbg ke sekolah teknik..alahai nasib tak diterima jadik duk ler kat TKS smpai hbs form 5 ..SPM aku plak bangga lah jugak dpt Gred 1 aggregat 20 (okeylah tue kan..hahahah)
Duk tanam anggur lama gak then dpt further DIploma in Business Studies kat Kolej Profesional Mara Melaka selama 2 tahun setengah...result..ok gak boleh tahan...
Habis jer Diploma tanam anggur lagik then dapat tawaran further study ke Universiti Tenaga Nasional Kampus Muadzam Shah dalam Ijazah Srjana Muda Pemasaran selama 2 tahun...
Habis Universiti pi praktikal ke TNB seremban kat situ tak sangka jumper jodoh aku Mohamad Hakim heheehh gatai sangat....kenal 2mgu dah couple..4 bulan kenal dtg merisik then tunang 6 bulan trus kawen 30.6.2007 (dah jadik bini org...kuikuikui)
then dpt jadi guru sandaran kat SKRP then di offer masuk maktab perempuan melayu melaka selama 18 bulam secara aku dah jadik guru terlatih..baru jew interview SPP 24.9.2010 haritue n harap lulus ler.....
Skang nie kami tgu rezeki anak yg blum diberikan lagi..sentiasa berdoa dan berusaha..harap Allah makbulkan lah..Amin..inilah ceritaku...huhuhuhu
Ada org tak tau aper itu kawan..ader org terlalu menghargai kwan dan ada org tak tau nak berkawan..jadi per itu kawan?bagi aku kawan adalah kawn..selagi boleh berkawn ku berkawan..yg penting pandai jaga hati nak kawn ngan aku aku trima n org tak nak kawan aper aku pedulik..aku tak heran...aku bukan org yg suka moody or libatkan org dlm maslh aku masalah aku..aku jer tgung ngan kawan aku hepy slalu...ramai tau aku nie minah lawak time2 blaja dulu smpi la nie time keje..jadi takder masa nak layan blues..profesional beb...Aku heran ngan perangai manusia yg tak sedar diri nie...mcam bagus dulu time takder kawan n susah kemain mencarik aku jer..skang biler rasa diri tue dah mcm besar skit mule eksyen cam bagus..aper ko igt ko bagus sgt ker..tinggi sgt ker darjat ko sampai nk org jer tegur ko baru nk ckp klu tak jgn harap wat tak kenal jer..nie ler spesis mnusia tak sedar diri....aper2 pun manusia nie pun bukan ler bagus sgt2 pun..jadik tk heran ler aku kat ko...stakat ko nak menyombong ngan aku..skit pun aku tak rugi aper2 sok lusa klu ader org wat kat ko trima jelah yer coz perangai ko bukan baik pun...kaki berpura2 jdi org akan terpengaruh ngan kepura-puraan ko...aku dh terkena jadik aku just beware jek...saper lagik ko nk wat pas nie yer....aku bersyukur dgn segalanyer...sepatutnya aku yg melenting dgn aper yg ko ckp tapi aku sabar..tup2 ko plak wat aku musuh..terbalik dunia nie..dasar tak sedar diri..inikah kawan?ini bukan kawan tapi sengal....BEWARE ngan perangai manusia camnie yer kawan2...
Sunday, October 24, 2010
SaKIt n Anak BUah....
Akhirnya sampai hari Sabtu aku still demam..kesian kan?aper bley buat aku pun tak tau badan aku nie imune sgt ker ngan ubat klinik..lgsung takdak effect...selsema n batuk jgn ckp ler tak henti2..nak tidoq pun tak besh....ape2 pun kena kuatkan diri coz tomorrow start working...lama dh tak ke sekolah sumer pasal penangan demam..nak kata pregnant tak kut coz bendera merh..nie mmg virus demam...Alhamdulillah berkat sabar duk makan ubat tiap2 hari n setiap 6 jam skali kebah jugak akhirnya...but cory to hubby coz i dah transfer itu demam kat dier daa...hahahaha kecian...tak sabar nak ke school esok...byk citer sensasi tak agak2 nyer..heheheh....skang nie dah sunyi balik coz wajah2 kesayangan ku..Hurul Masitah,Hurul Maisara,Muhammad Razin n Hurul Qasyifa dah balik seremban..huhuh ghindu dah kat dia org sumer...tguuu mgu depan Mak Uda @Mummy balik seremban yer..insyaallah...
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
DeMAm Lagik...
HUshhh...aku DemaM lagik..Hari NIe Terpaksa AMbik cuti rehat..Dah ler Hubby Takder,dia tido seremban coz ader meeting ken pi awal..tgl ler aku ngan kak long...pagi2 dah tak larat nak bangun..gagahkan jugak makan skit n take medicine..skang okey skit..peluh dah kuar..takut kang tengahari demam balik..demam nie kejap serang kejap okey..huhuhuh mcm nak ajak hubby go to senawang specialist jek...malam tak tido langsung..batuk cam nak keluar anak tekak...flue plk jgn ckp..melelh2...huhuhuhu tak sanggup....cepat ler sembuhhh....
Hari NIe Pi SekoLAh seTelah Mc SeharI..KAt SekOlah GB Bukan naK tnya dah siht ke Blum..tNya psl Brochure dah sip ker blum..hrmm dispointed...demam2 pun gagahkan jugak buat benda alah tue tau.....but i stilll not feeling well..balik dr sekolah trus mandi,makan ubat n berlingkar coz badan panas balik...luckily cepat bertindak..ptg ckit dah kebah dah demam...asal yer jadi org bwhan nie asik nk kena mengikut jer..plz i also have a lot of works to do not just do the rubbish thing...sometimes feel very sad coz always have to follow instruction from many people n we have do the ad hoc task..the reason is all about make me crazy....people said as a teacher i have a lot free time...come back early..lots of holiday..but they dun realize how hard to be a teacher now...its not easy like eat bitter like take medicine..huhhhhh...i hate eat medicine....but i really like to be a teacher......aper yg aku merapu nie?hrmmmm just my hepy daily life....heheheh
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
PerKaHwiNan Ku..
Tanggal 30 Jun 2007 aku selamat dinikahkan dengan MohaMad Hakim Bin Abdullah..Saat Bahagiaku Dikongsi Bersama semua kaum keluarga kedua-dua belah pihak...tak sangka pertemuan aku ngan hubby semasa praktikal di TNB telah membaw kami ke alam perkahwinan..perkenalan yg cukup singkat just 2 mgu kenal kami couple...4 bulan kenal family hubby dtg merisik then kami bertunang selama 6 bulan pehtue trus kahwin..singkat kan?yelah benda baik watper nk tangguh2 on jer lah...Hari perkahwinan jgn ckp meriah n ramai betul org belah hubby nak katakan 80% hadir just adik dier yg ketiga jer tak balik..dispointed gak lah...Inilah Jodoh aku..walaupun kami berlainan bangsa dan budaya tapi kami mempunyai cinta yg sama...CINTA HAKIM UNTUK YUSMEEZA dan CINTA YUSMEEZA UNTUK HAKIM...
FeVer,Flu n Cough AttAck ToGetHEr....
Hari sabtu pegi perhimpunan guru semalaysia kat stadium bukit jalil..sampai pilah kul 2 lebey then hubby ajak balik umah in law..ptg pi KpJ tgk Qasyi then trus pi umah inlaw..hubby pergi tgk wyg..ajak aku dah tak larat coz penat n show kul 12.45 pg...bgn pg2 then tlg inlaw berkemas satu umah coz lagik 2 mgu nak deepavali...that time dah batuk n sakit tekak tapi aku???still minum ais..heheheeh degil...balik pilah hari isnin first day sekolah n aper lagik monday blues..aduss lotihnyer...kat sekolah batuk jgn ckp mcm nak termuntah-terbelahak aku batuk..tahan jelah...disebabkan keta hubby masuk hospital aku blk naik teksi..smpi umah dh rasa tak sedap badan tup2 temperature naik..berselibung dgn toto kesejukan...Call hubby byk kali coz dah tak tahan..hubby bley relaks jer blk ingat aku tipu agaknyer..coz aku nie jarang demam..sekali demam haa ambik ko...sampai umah hubby bebel knper asik call then biler sentuh bdn aku trus gelabah ajak pi klinik coz panas sgt..siap tnya"Syg u bley jalan tak?"hrmmm my hubby i still can walk ler...tau cemas...heheheeh..then doctor check i got high fever 39 darjah celcius..quit high..trus dpt MC...seksanyer..demam tapi takper terhapus dosa2 kecilku klu ader terlawn ckp hubby..heheheeh what ever I LOVE u HAKIM.....
bLoG BaRu..
Huhuhuhu dah lama tak layan blog..tiber2 rs nak layan blog balik jadik lamer dah luper password then have to take another inisiatif to create the new one...hrmmm aper lagik yek...just hope this new blog aku lebih prihatin ler nak post new2 thing...anyway welcome new blog...heheh
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