Friday, January 28, 2011


Aper punya nasi ayam hainan..pakat jek laki aku nak cari owner kedai nak saman dia org sumer...tak pasal2 aku sakit perut sampai ke pagi..klu ader yg tukang count braper kali aku masuk mau juling biji mata..punyalah puluh kali aku masuk jamban..hahahahh tidak perutku sakit memulas-mulas..muntah lagi...nak berniaga meniaga ler ngan jujur..nasi tak masak kuah ntah hape2..nak untung lebih jek..kualiti tak jaga langsung...makan darah orang jer..baguslah kumpul kekayaan atas kesakitan org lain..mmg sah aku makan nasi ayam tue ler wat aku sakit...bengong takkan ku beli lagik kat kedai ko..dulu ok jel sedap..biler dah banyak laku mulalah luper daratan just nak carik untuk jek...kebersihan n kualiti makanan dah tak tau nak jaga..cuber makan dulu sendirik sebelum jual...boleh makan ker?jual bapak mahal tapi rasa hampeh..nasik keras..bangang tul punya badigol..takpasal2 aku tak dpt tidur n off course kena makan ubat yg aku tak suker nak makan..huhuhuhuhu sakitnyer hatiiii...biar tuhan jek balas klu berniaga tak jujur nie....

Page Sendiri

Hahahahah giler kentang tul aku hari nie..join page sendiri..hikhikhik..gila kuasa kan..huhuhuh pedulik aper aku...saper2 nak join jum join ramai2...

8 reasons carbs help you lose weight

Eating a diet packed with the right kind of carbs is the little-known secret to getting and staying slim for life.

When we talk about the right kind of carbs, we mean Resistant Starch. Hundreds of studies conducted at respected universities and research centers have shown Resistant Starchsuch as grains, beans, and legumeshelps you eat less, burn more calories, feel more energized and less stressed, and lower cholesterol.

Sound too good to be true? Here are eight evidence-based reasons you must get carbs back in your life if you are ever to achieve that coveted sleek, slim look.

Eating carbs makes you thin for life
A recent multi-center study found that the slimmest people also ate the most carbs, and the chubbiest ate the least. The researchers concluded that your odds of getting and staying slim are best when carbs make up to 64% of your total daily caloric intake, or 361 grams.

That's the equivalent of several stuffed baked potatoes (a food we bet you've been afraid to eat for decades).

Most low-carb diets limit you to fewer than 30% of total calories from carbs and sometimes contain as few as 30 grams of carbohydrates a day. 10 fat-burning carbs

Carbs fill you up

Many carb-filled foods act as powerful appetite suppressants. They're even more filling than protein or fat. These special carbs fill you up because they are digested more slowly than other types of foods, triggering a sensation of fullness in both your brain and your belly.

Research done at the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom found that consuming Resistant Starch in one meal caused study participants to consume 10% fewer calories (roughly 150 to 200 calories for the average woman) during the next day, because they felt less hungry.

Carbs curb your hunger
According to researchers, when dieters are taken off a low-carb diet and shifted them to an approach that includes generous amounts of fiber and Resistant Starch foods, something wonderful happens: Within two days, the dieters' cravings go away.

The fiber and Resistant Starch fills them up and satisfies them while allowing them to eat the foods they crave. These good-news carbs also raise levels of satiety hormones that tell the brain to flip a switch that stifles hunger and turns up metabolism. 4 hearty whole-grain recipes

Carbs control blood sugar and diabetes
The right mix of carbs is the best way to control blood sugar and keep diabetes at bay. In one study at the Beltsville Human Nutrition Center at the USDA, participants who consumed a diet rich in high Resistant Starch foods were able to lower their post-meal blood sugar and insulin response by up to 38%.

Eat the carbs you want, but you need to combine them so that they don't cause a spike in your blood sugar. Instead of eating white rice, switch to brown and combine it with beans, corn, or other high Resistant Starch foods that keep your blood sugar more balanced than low-carb diets.

Carbs speed up metabolism
Carbs high in Resistant Starch speed up your metabolism and your body's other natural fat burners. As Resistant Starch moves though your digestive system, it releases fatty acids that encourage fat burning, especially in your belly.

These fatty acids help preserve muscle mass—and that stokes your metabolism, helping you lose weight faster. Researchers set out to fatten up two groups of rats, feeding one group food that was low in Resistant Starch.

A second group was fed Resistant Starch-packed food. The rats fed the low Resistant Starch chow gained fat while losing muscle mass. Rats that ate the high Resistant Starch meals preserved their muscle mass, keeping their metabolism moving. 30 new metabolism boosters

Carbs blast belly fat
Carbs help you lose your belly fat faster than other foods, even when the same number of calories are consumed.

When scientists fed rats a diet rich in Resistant Starch, it increased the activity of fat-burning enzymes and decreased the activity of fat-storing enzymes. This means that the belly-fat cells were less likely to soak up and store calories as fat. Blast belly fat fast

Carbs keep you satisfied
Carbs keep you satisfied longer than other foods. Here's why: Your brain acts like a computerized fuel gauge that directs you to fill up whenever it notices that its gas tank (stomach) is empty

Foods high in Resistant Starch flip on every single fullness trigger in the body. They release fullness hormones in the intestine and make your cells more sensitive to insulin.

By increasing your consumption of filling foods and releasing satiety hormones, you'll minimize your hunger and cravings.

Carbs make you feel good about you!
"Dieters feel so empowered once they lose weight on carbs. For the first time, they are able to lose weight by eating in a balanced manner, without cutting out entire food groups," says Sari Greaves, a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association.

Very touch...what the man...tabikk...

Thursday, January 27, 2011


6 expenses you should never put on a credit card

There are some things experts say you should never put on a credit card if you can't pay the bill right away -- either because they're frivolous, or they can land you deep in debt or, in some cases, because there's a better alternative.
If you have plenty of money in your bank account, it can make sense to put just about any big purchase on your credit card  because of the rewards , convenience and consumer protections that come with plastic. When you're broke, though, it's one thing to use your card for an emergency. It's quite another, however, to splurge on a mommy makeover, an island vacation or a diamond engagement ring .
Here are six credit card purchases experts say cash-strapped consumers should avoid at all costs.
1. A big tax bill.
A tax bill from the IRS could make a nervous taxpayer reach for a credit card. But don't do it. "Federal income tax is right at the top of the list of things not to pay with a credit card," says David Jones, president of the Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies . "When people get in this type of situation, it's usually a fairly large tax bill, and it can be difficult to pay off those credit cards." In addition, you'll pay a processing fee that could be 2 percent or more of the total amount you pay by credit card.
The alternative: The IRS will set up a payment plan at a much lower interest rate than a credit card offers, experts say. "It's amazing, but the IRS actually charges less interest than anybody else. It's very low now, less than 5 percent," Jones says.
2. A gambling spree.
Entrepreneur Rod Ebrahimi, who is developing an online financial application called ReadyforZero to help consumers pay down debt, says he has a friend who recently gambled away more than $3,000 taken from a credit card cash advance . "If you're sitting at a table in Vegas, they make it really easy to pull cash with your plastic. They'll process it for you, bring you some nice chips and you can keep on gambling," Ebrahimi says. "And a lot of people don't understand APRs for cash advances are much higher -- upward of 30 percent."
The alternative: If you have a gambling problem, seek counseling or other help, recommends Jones, who recently helped a client who had racked up $113,000 in credit card debt playing online poker . If gambling is more of a hobby, Ebrahimi recommends steering clear of casinos when you're short on cash -- or playing poker online without betting money.
3. College tuition.
Experts say it's not smart to finance college tuition on credit cards. "College tuition can be a very significant expense," Jones says, noting that charging tuition on credit cards might make sense only if you know you'll be able to pay it off in full within three months.
The alternative: Experts recommend putting all options on the table. That includes grants, scholarships, low-interest student loans, a part-time job, attending community college for a few years or attending a less-expensive university. "It's a good idea to meet with a credit counselor to get some help understanding all of your options," Jones says. "Student loans can be a very good option, but you need to make a plan to repay them. Some people get into a huge amount of debt with student loans."
4. Plastic surgery. 
Reality shows such as "Extreme Makeover" make it seem routine to get nips, tucks and D-cups, but pulling out plastic to pay for it is a bad idea, experts say. "Most of it is vanity stuff, and charging that is crazy," Jones says. Carrie Coghill, a personal finance author and director of consumer education for, says she increasingly sees consumers being swayed by medical spa sales pitches to charge seemingly less expensive procedures such as Botox injections and laser treatments. "It might cost $1,500 each time, but those things can really add up -- people get grabbed in, and it never ends," Coghill says. She cautions consumers to read the fine print on offers for medical credit cards, such as CareCredit, that offer a zero percent introductory rate. "The day you make a payment late, they typically will go back and charge you interest from day one," Coghill says.
The alternative: As with any luxury purchase, consumers should either save up for it -- or skip it, experts say.
5. A lavish wedding.
One consumer who turned to Ebrahimi for help got into trouble by charging up $50,000 in credit card debt -- much of it on a big wedding followed by a honeymoon in Barcelona. "I think a lot of times people get caught up in the event and spend more than anticipated. It's very common to blow your budget," says Clarky Davis, a financial counselor who runs Statistics show finances can cause tension between couples , so starting off married life by running up debt is a bad idea, Davis says. "When you come home from the honeymoon and have to face a monster credit card bill, it can cause a lot of stress," Davis says. "You can't focus on where you are right now because you're still paying off the past."
The alternative: Most experts recommend scaling back and focusing on meaningful, rather than material, aspects of the wedding. "The people you love could care less if there's an open bar or you're wearing a $5,000 dress," Davis says. "Stay within your means."
6. A trip for two.
It's a bad idea to finance a vacation with plastic, experts say, and that goes double for paying someone else's tab, too. Monica Lichi, a nonprofit manager in Ohio, spent years paying off a Hawaiian cruise she took with an ex. "Neither of us had the money, so I said, 'Oh, I'll just put it on my credit card,'" Lichi recalls. After living it up on the trip -- they island-hopped, went ziplining and sipped fruity cocktails -- Lichi returned home to a huge bill. "The inconvenient part comes when you break up and they don't pay you back," says Lichi, who is using the online service to pay down her five-figure credit card debt.
The alternative: Well in advance, start making a monthly payment into a bank account -- the reverse of what you'd do if you paid with a card, Coghill recommends. "It feels so much better to pay in cash and not come back from vacation with a credit card hangover," she says. If you're going with a friend, an online service such as can allow you to pool money in advance and pay expenses with a shared debit card rather than your credit card.
So, how do you stay sane with your credit cards? Experts recommend taking your time and avoiding impulsiveness, especially when money is tight. "If you're thinking about putting a vacation on a credit card, or even a pair of shoes, you should walk away, think about it and come back later," Coghill says. "If you're charging anything over $1,000, you really should be asking yourself, 'What am I doing?'"
See related: How to finance an engagement ring , Stuck with a tax bill? Here are your payment options , 4 key questions to ask when considering a cash advance , Saved by plastic: 5 true credit card tales , Tales from the credit crypt: Counselors' crazy debt stories

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tunggu..tunggu..tunggu...dan tungguuuuu

Just sajer nak taip perkataan tungguuu..pasnie aku akan trus menungguuu sampai aku pejam mata..malas dah nak berharappp..biaq pi...lantaklah...aku dah tak kesah..malas nak kesah..just aku yang terhengeh-hegeh watper..dah takder perasaan dah..lantak lah..jgn nti ader yg memekak kat telinga aku..ader gak aku bagi penumbuk...dah ler takyah sibuk pasal aku..tahulah aku jaga hal aku...biar jek sampai ke sudah takder aper2 aku tak kesah n aku tak pedulik...ADA AKU KESAH.....

Monday, January 24, 2011

Murid PemUliHanKu....SKrP

Tahun nie murid aku just 10 orang and plus tahun 6 dalam 4 org adelah dlm 14 orang..tak ramai pun..yelah namanyer kelas pemulihan khas..but jgn salah faham even budak sikit klu tak kuat semangat maun tekanan jiwa cikgu..yelah ajar budak2 yang ala2 lembam skit..but me???mood hepy jek ajar depa coz fun..tapi kadang2 naik angin gak yelah tak mau berusaha..maleh yang amat...kena gak bebelan ngan aku sedas dua..ha bernanah telinga nak dengar syarahan pendek aku..heheh kuikuikui...nie aku senaraikan murid2 aku n personaliti menarik mereka...
Tahun 2
1. Asfa Danish- ala2 lurus bendul skit...but cumell mak dier jek yang kecoh skit..huhuhuhu
2.Iskandar -my favorite,ala2 tembam n dengar bunny ler kat dlm kelas tue..
3.Amirul Hakimi-mmg cute habis tapi aduh sayang nak tgu siap keje bapak punyer lama...tapi kemas jek tulisan dier...
4.Amirull Aiman-budak Baru..aduss banyak mulut betul cam bertih jagung..pokpekpokpek..kena kacau dah melelh airmata dier..klako betul...
5.Nadzmie - budak montel..suker kacau org..maleh tumpu perhatian n lagak pandai..suka merajuk..mati akal aku dier sorang nie...marah jek skit trus wat muka sedepa dier..huhhhh
6.Safiah-anak Dara kak Noriah cikgu MT kat sekolah..aduhai pemalu yang amat..nak dengar sore kena duk rapat2 baru ler dengar...
Tahun 3
1.Amin-budak nie mmg wat aku pening..tulisan ya ampun kena marah baru ok..tapi kuat semangat aku marah camner pun still nak blaja..bagus...aku suka
2.Asyraf-dier dah ok just suka main2 jek..dengar cakap aku gak lah
3.Firdaus-nie mmg tak bleh kena marah..konfem air mata berjurai2 gugur...
4.Aisyah-budak nie pendiam suka tgk jek aku..blaja ok dah just kena guide jek...

Haaa nielah perangai anak2 murid aku..macam2 ragam kadang2 aku yang pening..anyway Cikgu harap kamu semua jadi orang yang berguna..doa cikgu sentiasa mengiringi kamu... :)

PeMuLihan KhaS Ku....SkRP

Tadi time kat sekolah..tiba2 rasa nak snap picture anak2 murid yang sedang tekun blaja..huhuhu banggo cikgu..ada gak yang menangis tadi kena marah..wat cuak cikgu jer...susah ler kalau tak bleh kena marah..camner nak Pandai klu mcm tue...So Far murid2 tahun dua ok skit..menangkap lah gak aper yang aku nak concentrate ngan budak2 tahun 3..insyallah harap usaha aku berbaloi..nahhh tgk ler murid2 aku yang tekun blaja...


Detik waktu terus berjalan,
Berhias gelap dan terang,
Suka dan duka tangis dan tawa tergores bagai lukisan,
Seribu mimpi berjuta sepi hadir bagai teman sejati,
Diantara belahnya jiwa dalam resah dan airmata
Aku persembahkan kepadamu yang terindah dalam hidupku,
Mestiku rapuh dalam langkah dalam tak setia Kepadamu namun cinta dalam jiwa hanyalah padamu..
Maafkanlah bila hati tak sempurna mencintaimu dalam dada kuharap hanya dirimu yang bertakhta...
Detik waktu terus berlalu semua berakhir padamu...


BersaBarKah aku???

Bersabarkah aku menerima dugaan mu...tabahkah aku..tenangkah aku....redhakah aku????aku pun tak tau...kadang2 segala pengharapanku hanya harapan...tiada yang dapat ku gambarkan kesepianku..kesedihanku..Aku terlalu rapuh sebagai seorang wanita..ya aku terlalu rapuh ya Allah...kerana kerapuhanku ridak dapt membendung kesedihanku...deraian manik2 jernih sentiasa menemaniku..adakah aku cemburu?mungkin ya dan mungkin tidak..salahkah aku untuk cemburu..salahkah aku untuk bersedih..apa lagi yang harus ku lakukan???menanti dan menunggu dengan penuh pengharapan...kenapa aku???kenapa???? terlalu berat untuk aku menyembunyikan kehampaanku...aku gembira untuk wanita lain dalam kesedihanku..aku bersyukur untuk wanita lain diatas pengharapanku...aku telan segalanya..kepura-puraanku untuk terus gembira...aku sendiri menghianati diriku untuk terus menipu bahawa aku redha..hakikatnya kau tak kuat..aku hanya mengharapkan...Kun Fa Ya Kun darimu..rahmatmu..ihsanmu...terlalu lama rasanyer aku mengharap dan terus mengharap..kau makbulkanlah pengharapanku...hanya deraian jernih pengubat kesedihanku..penemanku..kawan akrabku...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

DuNia PeMuLihAn KhAs Ku...

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Aku guru pemulihan khas..yup i'm proud to be remedial teacher..then so what?nothing imposibble in this world..jadik aku berharap murid2 ku menjadi orang yang berguna..walaupun kurang sedikit dari murid lain but they still can survive...aper salahnyer jadik guru PK?guru sekolah rendah?tak salah dan aku bangga...bangga menjadi seorang guru dan bangga menjadi sumber inspirasi murid2 ku...aku seorang yang sukakan
kepelbagaian,warna-warni dan keceriaan..then biler masa lapang macam2 idea yg dtg sumer nak buat tapi kadang2 tak terkejar yelah mana ada pembantu..everything wat sendiri..nak harapkan murid lagilah...takder makne..tak cam kiter dulu2 rajin tolong cikgu...aku just berharap agar tuhan mempermudahkan segala usahaku untuk melihat kejyaan murid2 ku dimasa hadapan..amin

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

BacK To ScHool RuTin...

dah 3 mgu 2011 menjengah kiter..cepat betul masa berlalu kan..still ngan my busy world at school ...sumer nak dikejar n nak dibuat..macam ler kami nie usual aku guru disiplin n skang dapat plak guru perpustakaan....hrmm yang perpustakaan mmg aku tak layan sangat..mana jek masa aku nak cekau nak wat sumer benda?dah ler masa aku 1050 minit seminggu..skang tambah plak jadik guru kelas tambahan BM tahun 6...terima gak..apakah?kenapakah?haruskah?terima seadanya..bukan nak merungut but this is fact of thing ingat muka aku muka brochure ker..program kecik pun nak brochure..plz ler byk lagik benda lain yg berfaedah aku nak buat dr asik nak wat brochure..just fotostat jelah yang aku dah buat...jgn pandai mengarah jek..tapi keje ntah tau buat ntah tidak...good leader is when they know how to cooperate with others not the one who always want to put all thing to others shoulder..tak faham kan..aku pun tak faham...dun tell me about responsibilities and integriti..

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

BuDayA,AgaMa DaN ChEnTa: KraBiii Part 1

BuDayA,AgaMa DaN ChEnTa: KraBiii Part 1

KraBiii Part 1

Dah lama tak update blog..hari nie terasa nak update plak...akhirnya aper yg kami rancang menjadi kenyataan..alhamdulillah..25.12.2010 jam kul 11.oo aku n hubby sampai ke LCCT..azihan antarkan ngan kaksu..hati aku nie dupdadupdap takut hubby tak lepas,yelah nama dier blacklist PTPTN tapi ngan imigresen tak blacklist plak..heran bin ajaib..time lalu imigresen macam2 aku doa..husshhh lepas..hehehehe happynyer..Krabi here we come...nerves campur hepy ler kan nak ker thailah..sawadeekap..then first time naik flight lagilah dupdapdupdap jantung aku...biler naik flight hushhh kecut aku,pegang tangan hubby takut ler kunun..then dlm 5 minit jek takut pas nampak awan cantik trus hilang sumer takut..KL-Krabi tak lama mana pun just 1 jam 30 minit..tup..tup dah sampai krabi kena lalu imigresen dier dulu then wallaaaa kami dah jejak tanah Krabi..huhuuuuuu....carik teksi dapat van bapaknyer comfort just RM60(TH600) ker Aonang (30 minit/45kilometer)..sampai town krabi drebar tue nak komisyen trus anta kat travel agent..nak tak nak ambik jek lah..disebabkan skang peak session just grab jek 2 package xtvt ke Phiphi island and Hong island n skali transport ke airport tuk RM450(TH4500)...truskan perjalanan kami wallaaa sampai dah Aonang then ke Krabi Heritage Hotel..bapak dekat hotel ngan pekan..jalan kaki 4 minit jo...huhuhu..nice hotel n nice view dri balkoni bilik....okeylah nati sambung lagik yer Krabi Part 11.... :)
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